Oh, there seem to be so many interesting and lovely Impressions from this season, dear reader…some of which I used to craft this Friendship remedy for Mrs. Hume. I must say, I do love how it came out. It is so warm, so rich… I do not think that I would have been able to make such a remedy a year ago. I did not have the skill as an apothecary, which means I am improving, but nor did I have the needed understanding that I have gained from my time in Greenwood. My experiences with friendship and learning what that means: to spend time together, to have fun, to help and encourage, and to trust another person... I am so grateful to have found such a thing in my life.
Mrs. Hume was very pleased with the outcome too, and I made sure to give her plenty of the remedy since she plans to give some to Dorothy, and to Mary, and to Auntie Ember. The sign she had made for me is so beautiful, oh, the artisan really did excellent work, and I cannot wait to hang it up outside my door. The Humes have filled a shelf in their shop with my remedies, and I could not be more pleased. I think I will still like to go into the village for market days most of the time, but now when I do go, I shall not need to take so many remedies in my basket. Thank goodness, as I was beginning to find it difficult to carry them all.
With the remedy completed and friendship on my mind, I decided to invite Elise and Davy over to my cottage. I had not had anyone over to visit, well, except Lettie, and I thought it might be nice. We all had a grand time together playing cards and snacking on candies. We talked about the wisps; neither of them had seen any since Hallinox, and I had not seen one since the discovery of the key, though I kept that to myself. Perhaps the wisps have accomplished their work, and I told Elise and Davy I doubted we’d see our little blue friends again anytime soon. Elise sighed with relief which made Davy laugh and tease her. She wasn’t afraid of them anymore, she said, their appearances were just so startling, to which I very much agreed.
And what of the key which the wisps led Lorenz and me to? Well, we are still uncertain, but Lorenz did asked me to come by the manor house next week. He said he had something he wanted to show me. So I will have to wait until then to tell you more.
However dear reader, I still have some raw Impressions left over which I did not use in the Friendship remedy. They would not have matched with it at all. These Impressions are more strange… more haunting perhaps. I drew them from my encounters with the wisps and a few other moments this fall which held a … luring sense of… eeriness. I find then oddly pleasant, and I…well, I’m excited to craft something from them and see what becomes of it. I think it will be unlike what I usually make, but I have a feeling it might be something special too. It seems each season in Greenwood has something ‘special’ to offer. I am glad that this fall has been no different. And now dear reader, to clean up these remedies and hang this sign. I can’t wait to see how it looks.