Entry 20 (Season 3)

Too Many Burdens

Dear reader, what a week it has been! While I no longer fear a ghost in the library, I have still been uneasy. I find my lack of progress towards finding the Green Children of Woolden discouraging, and Mrs. Algar, well…Mrs. Algar has been on my mind much of late. I feared perhaps she was angry with me, as she is always very stern and I caused her much trouble on my first visit. I found it more and more difficult to create the requested remedies with my mind troubled, and the past few days I was hardly able to draw any impressions; the ones I did were so weak. At market, Mrs. Hume and Elise told me I looked tired, and I explained why. Elise said Mrs. Algar was a grumpy old lady and I should not bother myself, but Mrs. Hume felt a little differently. She said, while yes, Mrs. Algar could be unpleasant, she practically ran the manor house by herself. She always made sure the other servants were well paid and cared for, even if they were sick and could not work. Elise only crossed her arms and mumbled “it was no excuse for being ill-tempered”. But after what happened today, well, I think I understand what Mrs. Hume meant.

Alexander was helping me again, well, really he was just keeping me company. It seems he has quite the gift for gab and told me all about the things he is learning: history, law, mathematics, foreign languages. He seems to know so much for one so young. And he chattered on happily about all the things he likes best, like his books, and his horse, and his new clothes. But when he spoke of all the responsibilities he will have as baron someday, he seemed to grow quiet. I saw his face and recognized the worry there. What a burden it must be, to one day represent Greenwood in the capital before the other barons and the king himself. I wished there was something I could do to put him at ease, and I was about to tell him that if he knew so much already he would certainly be more than ready when the time came, but just then the door opened, and Mrs. Algar came in.

She looked cross and said “Master Alexander, your tutor’s been looking all over the place for you.” Oh dear, it seems he was more than an hour late for his lessons; I had no idea he was supposed to be elsewhere. He gave me a quick “bye Sonya” while Mrs. Algar shooed him from the room. Oh, but then she turned back towards me, and it looked as though I might receive a scolding, perhaps for “distracting the young Master”. I tensed up, but when Mrs. Algar opened her mouth nothing came out. She sort of blanched, and then began to fall. I knew something was wrong and I rushed forward, helping her into a chair and fanning her forehead for some cool air. It seemed as though she might faint, but after a few deep breaths, her eyes focused and she sat up. Oh goodness, I was very worried, but she kept insisting it was just a dizzy spell. I asked if there was anything I could do, and after a long sigh she said “Child, what I need is peace and quiet, and where is that to be found around here?”. Her voice was quiet and it seemed she almost had the trace a smile on her face. Mrs. Algar told me I need not go through the trouble, but I sat with her for some time until I was certain she would be alright. After that time she said she needed to get back to her duties; when she had gone I tidied up the books and left.

Oh, I hope Mrs. Algar was able to find a moment of rest in the library. She seemed so tired. And what of Alexander, who wants to please his father and to become a good baron… It appears that each of us has some burden to bear right now. I wish there was something I could do! But my Impressions have been so poor as of late. At least now I feel that I understand better. Peace and quiet? …perhaps that is what I need to find, and once I have found it myself then I might able to help share it with others.

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