Oh, such a night of fantasy and enchantment! Goodness, I’m still shaking. It was a bit scary, but amazing and thrilling too. I have only just now returned to my cottage and am so full of high spirits that I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep tonight. So instead, let me tell you all that passed on this marvelous summer eve!
Lorenz and I went back to the Well of the Green Sister, down the stairs to where the iridescent water flows. We talked for some time of what we had learned since the beginning of summer, how the magic of the water had great power to enchant, but how the consequences were quite wild and unpredictable. Lorenz smiled and sighed, seemingly caught between his desire for answers and his appreciation for the mystery of it all. I pulled out the magic mirror absentmindedly and admitted ‘the unexpected’ was one of my favorite things about Greenwood; it was like the forest had a mind of its own. Holding it tight, I moved along the water’s edge, over roots and vines, to the far end of the cavern. There the ancient stone arched and opened wide, letting the water pour down the hill, changing its appearance into that of an ordinary river and running its course through Greenwood and beyond. I saw the night falling; the moon hung over the indigo forest. Then I heard Lorenz call. Maybe he wanted me to come and look at something, I can’t remember now, but a glimpse of shimmering white from beneath the trees caught my eye.
“Sonya?” I heard Lorenz whisper, for he was beside me then, but I did not move. I was mesmerized. At the bottom of the hill, a white horse of some sort had emerged. It moved from the shadows, dipped its head down to drink from the river, and as it did, a moonbeam fell upon a long, lance-like horn on its head. When Lorenz spoke, not yet realizing what I had seen, the creature spun in our direction. My breath caught. It pawed the grass a few times, then stepped out into the river, well goodness, not into the river, onto it! It strode towards us, walking upon the water! Pale light streamed across its graceful form. Where its hooves touched, the water glowed as it did in the cavern, until there it was, standing before us. It tossed its silvery mane. The tail flicked, though it resembled that of a lion more than a horse, with a tuft of fur at the end. Its glistening hooves were cloven like those of a goat, and the spiraling horn atop its head looked as though it were made of gold. But its eyes, oh dear reader, its eyes glowed like amethyst and sapphire.
My heart was pounding, but I dared not move. As it lowered its head, it stepped forward and slowly touched its horn to my chest. I shut my eyes and felt Lorenz grasp my hand. Then in an instant, a flash of images filled my mind, memories, my own: laughing with Lettie and Auntie Ember, moving to Greenwood, making Remedies, walking through the forest with Flame, friends, Lorenz… dancing with Lorenz... I opened my eyes as the memories ceased and gazed back into the creature’s eyes, beautiful and mystic. It turned its horn to Lorenz and I held his hand tight, breathless but no longer afraid. He laughed nervously after a moment, and the unicorn took a few calm paces back.
It dipped its horn down into the water which bubbled slightly. The horn began to shine like the sun, and once again the creature straightened up and returned to us, gentling lowering its horn to my other hand which still held the magic mirror. Slowly I lifted it so that Lorenz and I could both hold it out. When the golden horn touched the glassy surface it glowed and images took form. There was a foal, with a short horn, skipping amongst bright bluebells and mossy oaks. Then there were two unicorns, horns clashing like swords in a darkened glade. Two more, this time nuzzling each other and keeping step. And lastly the mirror showed the unicorn shedding its horn at the base of a tree. It was retrieved by a figure with green skin! The mirror grew dark, the unicorn backed away from us, and Lorenz and I watched as it saunter away, hands still clasped until it was out of sight.
Oh dear reader, I never imagined that I would see such a creature of legend with my own eyes! And what of the green person in the magic mirror!? Oh, it was all so thrilling! And still… the more I think upon the evening now… I… I begin to realize something… seeing what the unicorn had to share, well it was not the only thing that made my heart skip a beat this enchanted night.