Dear reader, through the open window I can see Flame playing on the edge of the forest, and beside me on the desk is a new remedy and blank page. You see, I have finally sat down to write an answer to my sister’s letter, but I’m finding it difficult to begin. I could tell her about this remedy. It’s one I feel very proud of, and yet I’m a little embarrassed about it too. I find I’m a little embarrassed about a number of things here at the end of summer, but perhaps if I share them with you first it will give me the courage to write about them to my sister, and to make plain all that has happened and that I’ve learned about myself this season.
Maybe… I think I shall begin by telling her that Lorenz and I met with Alexander. He and his father have returned from the capital, and we told the lad all about our experiments with the tiger lilies, our meeting with the unicorn, and the discovery of the chamber with the magic mirror. We did leave out some of the details, particularly about the flower with the powerful aroma. I think we were both too sheepish to say how silly it made us behave. And we did not mention the parts of our tale that involved my magic mirror. One day I will share that secret with him, but it didn’t seem like the right time. Lorenz joked that if I did tell Alexander, he would want to see everything and meet everyone from the other world, from your world dear reader. “Best not to distract him”, Lorenz told me a bit more seriously, “he has too many lessons he needs to catch up on before that”, and Lorenz mentioned something about an important examination next year; I can’t remember too much about it right now. Alexander was disappointed to have missed so much of the magic, but we did have a surprise for him. While all the other tiger lilies faded away, their enchantments disappearing when the blooms waned, one remained. The flower that had turned to crystal fell from the stem, preserved in its glittering gem-like state. We agreed that Alexander should have it as a gift, and his eyes lit up when his tutor presented him the flower. It warmed my heart to see with what high regards tutor and student hold each other. Lorenz is not only a good teacher but he’s a good friend to Alexander…
And he’s a good friend to me too…
Goodness, I’ve had such a difficult time understanding my feelings as of late! I’ve been nervous, and giddy, and shy, and elated all at once. I used my magic to draw out all my emotions and store them in bottles to try and understand them better. The Impressions swirl and glitter in delightful hues of pink and purple. I think it was my feelings around the unicorn and the mirror that finally made me realize… It’s the thrill of something wonderful, a little bit frightening but also utterly bewitching. It’s the same feeling I had on Solmar, when I danced with Lorenz, and when we were face to face with the unicorn, and he clasped my hand… Oh goodness, dear reader, I think I have feelings for Lorenz! And not just as a friend! ...I hardly know what to do. I’ve never felt this way for someone, and I have no idea if he feels the same way, he couldn’t possibly... could he? I don’t want to spoil our friendship; I love exploring the forest with him, but now every time we’re together I find myself blushing and shaking. He seems not to notice too much and goes on as usual, but I feel as though I‘ve been charmed… like I’ve fallen under a spell and I…
Well, I mixed together all the Impressions and made this new remedy that’s beside me now, and I’ve decided to call it Enchantment. ...And dear reader, I think I might be ready to pen my answer to my sister, Lettie. Goodness, it’s going to be a very thick letter, and I dread to think of how she’ll tease me when she reads about my feelings for Lorenz. But at least I have finally come to know my own heart, and while I am terribly nervous about the whole thing, the feeling is also utterly enchanting.